- High Quality Japanese Brass Watering Lance
- Fits any standard 1/2" diameter garden hose.
- Beautiful super fine water output.
- 378mm overall length.
- Hand made in Japan
- Solid polished brass.
High Quality Japanese Brass Watering Lance
Brass Japanese bonsai watering lance hose attachment.
There's a lot of engineering and thought applied to one of these lances just as you would expect from a Japanese manufacturer. Noting here is cheap and no corners have been cut. These are by a country mile the best quality watering lance we have seen with unsupassed performance.
This lance easily attaches to a 1/2" standard water hose. The on/off tap allows pressure to be adjusted so that the ultra fine rose can deliver it's fine spray without 'jetting' the water, a problem with normal hose fittings. Easily dismantled for cleaning.
When watering loose soil the spray from any lance should be angled upwards allowing the water to fall to the soil surface vertically by gravity just like rain.
Solid polished brass and hand soldered construction.
High quality product made in Japan for Kikuwa.
Approximately 380mm overall lenght. 35mm diameter rose.
Always protect watering equipment from freezing. Always empty water from the attachment when freezing temperatures are likely.
Supplied with a small stainless steel jubilee clip to secure to the end of your hose.