Bonsai Tree Creation Videos

Bonsai Tree Creation Videos


Graham Potter & Kevin Willson's First Bonsai Creation Collaboration

30 October 2023

Graham Potter Does a Bit of Bonsai Work

09 January 2021

Styling Bonsai Trees - Another Skip Rat Gets it's Day

04 October 2011

Bonsai: This You Won't Believe!

09 November 2011

Creating Bonsai Trees From Wild Material

01 August 2012

Bonsai Tree Creation by Graham Potter

21 November 2012

How To Create Bonsai in 5 Hours

24 June 2013

Is That Even Possible - Bonsai by Graham Potter

18 June 2014

Bonsai Styling - Beautiful Yamadori Juniper by Graham Potter

26 September 2014

THE 'Ugly Tree' Becomes Beautiful Bonsai

22 October 2013
Watch on Vimeo

Bonsai for Less than the Price of a Shirt

11 August 2011

Bonsai. How Hard Can it Be ?

27 July 2011

An Ugly Stump Gets It's Day - Creating Bonsai From A Hedge

01 May 2011

Creating Deciduous Bonsai Trees

14 November 2010

Bonsai From A Skip

29 October 2010

Bonsai Tree Styling - A Yew Saved From The Log Pile

30 August 2010

Creating Bonsai Trees - Yamadori

17 August 2010

Bonsai - Uncovering the Magic within.

10 August 2010

Bonsai Styling - Yamadori Juniper By Graham Potter

03 July 2010

Bonsai Styling for Beginners - Larch

03 January 2010

Bonsai Tree Styling - Yamadori Spruce Bonsai

24 December 2009

Graham Potter's Inspiration for Creating Bonsai Trees

17 December 2009

Shohin Bonsai Demonstration by Graham Potter

14 December 2009

Bonsai Demonstration - Cork Bark Oak

11 October 2009

Italian Cypress Bonsai Styling Demonstration

28 September 2009

Bonsai Tree Styling Scots Pine - Heavy Duty!

25 July 2009