New products now in stock. With so many products on our books it’s difficult to find new things that are not just variations on a theme. Inevitable some always are because everyone has their own way they like to work. Just recently I was looking through our first 2004 paper catalogue. Our range was tiny compared to today but the standard of bonsai was every bit as good. I am unconvinced that so much choice in life is good for us but i’m a Norfolk clod-hopper, what do I know.

After many years of searching for a suitably high quality material we are very pleased to introduce a new addition to our Green Dream range.

Green Dream Bonsai Biochar – Graded Horticultural Charcoal

BONSAI BIOCHAR. Graded Straight Horticultural Charcoal (2-8mm)

BONSAI BIOCHAR. Graded Straight Horticultural Charcoal (2-8mm)

Use Bonsai Biochar to improve your growing media. Horticultural charcoal has many benefits for plants of all types. Improves moisture retention whilst allowing good drainage. Also retains significant nutrient from fertilisers and promotes beneficial fungal and microbial activity which improves growth, health and pest resistance. Light weight, frost proof and will not decay or break down.

Produced from 100% FSC standard, managed British hardwood coppice and arboricultural arisings to UK-BBF, EU and IBC Quality mandates in modern retort low emission kilns. 100% sustainable British carbon capture product locks carbon into soil for hundreds of years.

Most biochars contain a huge amount of finnes or dust. For bonsai this is not desirable as it will wash into the bottom of the pot where it will seriously impede drainage. Green Dream Bonsai Biochar is graded 2-8mm and contains very little dust. Obviously because of the nature of the product dust is produced in handling and shipping but in comparison with most products available our horticultural charcoal has very little fine material, generally less than 1% by volume and can be used straight from the bag. Add to your favourite bonsai soil mix at 1-10% by volume.

New products now in stock this month include Zeolite by popular demand. We have sourced a fantastic grade of Zeolite Medium Grain Horticultural Media for bonsai use. Zeolite for horticultural use is largely unknown in the UK but is widely used under various brand names across Europe and beyond. There are significant issues around Japanese akadama these days and it’s safe to say that Zeolite is going to be the product that will replace the ubiquitous red clay. Zeolite is harder and will not break down, it’s less acidic, holds more water and has significantly higher cation exchange capacity meaning more nutrients to your bonsai and better growth. Zeolite also contains many significant minerals that are important to plant growth and health.

Our Zeolite is a 3-7mm graded product that does not require sieving and can be used straight from the bag. Use up to 30% by volume in your own bonsai soil mix.

 Zeolite Medium Grain Horticultural Media New product

Zeolite Medium Grain Horticultural Media.

We now have available two new grades of our popular Lapillo. Fine Grade Volcanic Lava and Lapillo Medium Grade Volcanic Lava.

Fine grade lapillo (puzzolane) 3-5mm. New product

Fine grade lapillo (puzzolane) 3-5mm.

Medium grade lapillo (puzzolane) 5-10mm. New products

Medium grade lapillo (puzzolane) 5-10mm.

Often also known as puzzolane this porous volcanic lava has become a staple of many popular bonsai growing formulae over recent years. We now have 3-5mm and 5-10mm grades available from stock.

Finally new products now in stock include Pumice Fine Grain Horticultural Media. Pumice is becoming extremely popular for bonsai cultivation as folk finally figure out just how brilliant it is. Use this fine grade 2-4mm pumice in smaller bonsai pots or where your tree demands a high moisture content in summer.

Pumice (bims) Fine Grain Horticultural Media 2-4mm. new products

Pumice (bims) Fine Grain Horticultural Media 2-4mm

If there is a new product YOU would like to see added to our range just drop us a line.
