Judging by the activity on our web site you would be forgiven for thinking Kaizen Bonsai is on a winter sabbatical. You would however be wrong. January is always our busiest month and leads right into the re-potting season. This time of year we are buying tree stock, developing new lines and fighting hard to keep close to a thousand product lines in stock as orders pour in. On top of that we are preparing around 10-15 tons of our soil products, re-potting around 500 trees, planting and lifting ground grown stock and even finding time to do a bit of collecting too (about 100 trees). This year, just to add a little spice we are also working on our new website which will hopefully look better and will offer lots of new user friendly functionality.

We have new deliveries of tree stock arriving most months of the year. Already we have had about 500 new tropical bonsai. I have reserved a great deal of yamadori with my suppliers and there are a LOT of fantastic new bonsai coming soon. Over the next two months we will be seeing around a thousand new plants arriving including some very cool bonsai from private collections.

Just in case I get bored I have also been working on five new movies which should be complete by the spring. However work ground to a halt on those this week. The mild weather means re-potting is very early this year, we already have hawthorns in full leaf here. Coupled with that just take a look at my workshop…….
